Another bird flu case at another turkey farm in Lincolnshire

Yesterday Defra revealed that there has been another outbreak of bird flu at a commercial turkey farm in East Lindsey, Lincolnshire. This was in the same district of Lincolnshire as the other main outbreak of H5N8 affecting a commercial premises which was also at a turkey farm and also in East Lindsey back in December….

Guest blog – New Nature magazine by Alice Johnson

Having always loved wildlife, Alice studied a degree in conservation and has been involved with various projects, including helping barn owls with The Wildlife Trust and little terns with the RSPB. She keeps a wildlife blog (Nature Nattering) and writes content for The Woodland Trust.         New Nature Magazine – Nature through…

Piles of dead Pheasants

  Terry Pickford has sent me this video of a large number of discarded dead Pheasants found in the Forest of Bowland at the weekend.  It is a shocking sight. And this follows closely on the report of 10 bin bags of dead Pheasants being found dumped under a hedge in Norfolk. Words do, actually,…

Brexit means?

Tomorrow our Prime Minister will set out her thoughts on what Brexit means – presumably beyond ‘Brexit means Brexit’. Are you fed up with Brexit already? Well, there are years and years to go so you’d better get used to it. She is expected to say we are heading for a ‘hard Brexit’ (according to…

Bird flu update

There have been another four positive tests for H5N8 in wild birds in the last week: and Defra is still being cryptic about their localities.  These new records only amount to four birds apparently but the Dorset case involves Mute Swans when presumably it should involve a Mute Swan – this shows the normal attention…