Some of my favourite Paul Thomas cartoons

Thank you to Paul Thomas for providing a regular weekly cartoon on the Unreliable History of Birdwatching here this year. Here are just a few of my favourites. This is Paul’s website.  

Telegraph gets ‘exclusive’ by reading month-old blog

The Daily Telegraph today. Findlay Wilde’s blog of 4 December.   Well done Findlay! You have made it to ‘activist’ in the national press – only a couple of steps to go to get to ‘eco-zealot’. An unnamed MP – what odds would you give that it was Simon Hart (ex chief exec and well-paid…

Saturday cartoon by Ralph Underhill

Many thanks to Ralph Underhill for scores of cartoons through 2017.  Here is today’s and a few more of my favourites from early in the year.     From 7 January From 14 January From 28 January From 4 March From 18 March

Paul Leyland – Scorpion Fly

Paul writes: It’s always good to find a Scorpion Fly when out looking for insects, I generally see them from around mid-May to mid-July. They’re really strange looking creatures but their appearance and name are deceptive as they are completely harmless, to other insects and humans. The scorpion tale is not a sting but is…

Defra achievements in 2017

I asked a bunch of wildlife NGOs what they thought were Defra’s greatest achievements in 2017 (as I have done in 2016 and 2015). This year they had a much easier job and I agree with the thrust of their assessments, which were as follows (in the order in which they responded): WWF-UK: ‘Probably our…