Not so great British Game Week

  Great British Game Week ended yesterday. I’m sure it was a great success but on Twitter the top posts were all to do with raptor persecution – there’s an example below. Well done! To @raptorpersscot, @_robsheldon , @ban_dgs and others for using this social media opportunity to ram home the message that driven grouse…

This is progress

Gavin Gamble’s e-petition to ban driven grouse shooting has had another good week – it passed 14,000 signatures and is now closer to 15,000.  Well done! It is not yet a third of its way through its lifetime but it’s getting close to that.   Having passed 10,000 signatures and prompted an inadequate and disappointing…

Oscar Dewhurst – Raccoon

  Oscar writes: while I was in Canada, I had a day to myself in Vancouver, so jumped on a bus and headed to Stanley Park in the hope of finding some wildlife to photograph. The Raccoons there are very confiding, presumable because they are fed by the visitors there, so I spent a couple…

Favourite nature books?

This is the early stage of a hunt for our favourite nature book – we can all nominate books up until the end of 30 November, and then it will be up to a bunch of learned judges (apparently) to decide on the shortlist of 10 for a public vote in January which is when…