Dr Coffey’s reading list (18)

Dr Therese Coffey is the junior minister at Defra. Now that Gavin Gamble’s e-petition in favour of banning driven grouse shooting has passed 10,000 signatures Dr Coffey will need to sign off a government response. In order that she does not make Defra look even more foolish than they do already I am providing a…

Prince Charles, van Cutsem and the forests

Much though my gossippy side would love a juicy scandal over the monarchy, grouse moor owners and huge amounts of money I can’t get too het up over the revelations over Prince Charles’s Duchy of Cornwall investing a small amount of his pile of money in rainforest carbon. Having once been on Today to account…

Government in a mess – not news

Priti Patel must be for the chop – surely?  And under other circumstances then no-one would find such a senior role in Cabinet for the bright buffoon Boris – surely?  Liam Fox is an embarrassment. David Davis is struggling in his role – but then who wouldn’t? All are Brexiteers by the way. And Michael…

What do they know?

There was a bit of a fuss last week that the new Defence Secretary, Gavin Williamson (species champion for the Barn Owl by the way) doesn’t know much about military matters. Well, I have some sympathy with that view but if we did have person specifications for cabinet posts which required detailed knowledge of the…