Two Bucks

I gave two talks in Buckinghamshire last week – one to 6th formers at Ousedale School and the other to the Bucks Bird Club – I enjoyed both. Talking to the young people about being a biologist and conservationist is one way that I can, in a small way, put something back after a long…

This week

If you are in London on Friday evening, and I’ve heard that there is little to do in big cities on Friday evenings, then come along and hear me talk at the Birkbeck Free Lecture series about why we should ban driven grouse shooting and why you might want to sign Gavin Gamble’s e-petition on…

Objection to planning proposal

  Sent to East Northants Council last night.  See two previous blogs (and the well-informed comments on the second of them)(Local issue – Higham Ferrers and Rushden – Northants 30 September 2017; Not just a local issue, 5 October 2017).  Today is the closing date for comments (unless ENC decide yet again to change the…

Wild food (5) – Parasols by Ian Carter

I’m normally fairly relaxed about the idea of collecting small numbers of fungi for the pot. The structures we see above ground are the fruiting bodies produced by the main mass of the fungi, safely tucked away below ground. The analogy is not perfect but it’s not too dissimilar to picking blackberries – taking a…