Michael Gove plugging some gaps

He’s no fool and he may be getting better advice these days too: Michael Gove is moving to plug some gaping holes in the Tory wildlife policies. And he’s starting with the animal cruelty issues. It should come as no surprise that a clever politician is doing some of the things that are relatively painless…

Feral review, highly commended – Tom Rigby

This blog’s recent writing competition was to write a review of George Monbiot’s book Feral. The entries were judged by John Riutta, The Well-read Naturalist, Ian Carter and myself. The winning entry by Kerrie Gardner was posted on Sunday. Two more entries were highly commended and this is the first of them, by Tom Rigby….

I wish!

You will have to be towards the more birder end of things amongst readers of this blog to spot why I raised my eyebrows when seeing this sign at a local Wildlife Trust site. Should we call it a mistake or a prediction? If you don’t understand have a look here under taxonomy.

Not just a local issue

Were you listening to Today on Radio 4 this morning when there was a discussion about intensive farming and intensive broiler chicken production (listen here at 51 minutes into programme)? There is a planning application near where I live for a new intensive broiler unit to rear day-old chicks to table weight. Ten poultry sheds…

It’s Big Match fortnight

WLT Treasure Chest Appeal – save the green gold of the Caribbean. Sierra Santa Cruz is the last unprotected rainforest in Caribbean Guatemala. From jaguars and pumas to bejewelled hummingbirds, golden bats and Critically Endangered frogs, this mountain range is a wild treasure chest. But this rich habitat is under threat. Deforestation for Oil Palm…