British Wildlife magazine

The December issue of British Wildlife came through my letter box yesterday but others must have got theirs earlier as I had a few emails and messages on social media about my column. Here’s a taster: ‘On the ground, local NE staff may well be doing their best, and will be doing some good, but…

Calling all sanctimonious and hypocritical bigots!

This email may have started the spurt of support for the ridiculously-worded e-petition in favour of grouse shooting. It was sent out, as you can see above, by a person whose anonymity I will preserve, at least for a while, as he or she (sounds like a bloke though doesn’t he or she?) has done…

Just for the record

Still no statement on Peak District National Park website on their raptor report Still no news from Natural England on the gull cull in Bowland which was notified as an SPA partly because of its…gulls! Still no news from the NT on its new tenants.