Guest blog – Licensing by Ed Hutchings

Born in East Anglia, but raised in the Arabian Gulf, Ed Hutchings was always going to have two things – itchy feet and an inquisitive mind. After leaving university with a degree in hospitality, he embarked on a career as a sommelier for a decade, working at various Michelin-star restaurants; in the process winning the…

Oscar Dewhurst – Red Deer stag

Oscar writes: I’m now back at university for a research masters, but before I left I had time to squeeze in a couple of visits to Richmond Park for the annual deer rut. The morning this was taken on was one of those magical sunrises where the ground is covered in mist, so shooting into…

Other blogs (9)

In this occasional series of links to other interesting blog posts, here are some more blogs that have caught my eye: Mike Alibone, Northants birds – Blackcap central Guy Shrubsole on Miles King’s blog – Will farm subsidies be slashed after Brexit? Raptor Persecution UK – South Scotland Golden Eagle project gets final go-ahead David…

If you’ve had an email

It’s becoming clearer to me who is behind the surge in signatures for the ‘protect grouse shooting’ e-petition, and exactly why its support is centred on the richer parts of central London and places such as the Cotswolds. If you have been sent an email asking you to sign the e-petition on behalf of grouse…

Timothy Richard Cleeves – 1951-2017

Tim Cleeves died suddenly on Friday night.  He will be greatly missed by many friends, former colleagues and birders who came across him in the field. Tim was born on the outskirts of Bristol in Hanham, across the River Avon from where I spent my earliest years, and he kept a rich Bristol accent all…