Tim Melling – Racoon

  Tim writes: Raccoons (Procyon lotor) were once thought to be related to bears but they are an early offshoot of the dog family.  They are only found naturally in the New World and the family includes Coatis and Kinkajous.  The generic name Procyon means “before the dog” indicating that distant relationship.  But the specific…

Grouse petitions – they’re just like buses

  There are now three e-petitions about grouse shooting on the Westminster parliament website: Gavin Gamble’s e-petition to ban driven grouse shooting, ends 2 April, currently on 19,700 signatures Jane Griggs’s e-petition in support of grouse shooting, ends 24 May, currently on 7,600 signatures Ed Hutchings’s e-petition in support of licensing, the third option, the…

Ho! Ho! Ho!

In the latest GWCT email to members and supporters, their cheery chair, Ian Coghill, spreads the Christmas good will by asking for money so that most people don’t get what they want after Brexit but what farmers and gamekeepers want!           Post-Brexit Policy Appeal As we leave the EU, the GWCT…