Dear Natural England

Dear Natural England I’m planning to do some walking over  grouse moors during the grouse shooting season and I came across your very useful website as I was trying to plan my trips.  Living in Northamptonshire, my nearest grouse moors are in the Peak District National Park so that’s where I started my search. Your…

NT, grouse shooting and public access

I’m grateful to Andy Beer of the National Trust for his response on this blog this morning. NT, in deciding, rather unnecessarily in my view, to seek  ‘partners who can demonstrate how moorland management and shooting can deliver great nature conservation in a way that is compatible with public access’ open up some interesting questions to…

NEWS: well done Fareshare!

From the Fareshare website:   ‘FareShare’s guidance on wild game FareShare can accept wild game providing it meets EU standards for human consumption. Following FSA advice, we are unable to redistribute game to charities where pregnant women or women trying for children, toddlers or children are being fed. Wild game products must always be accompanied…

A response from the NT’s Andy Beer

  Dear Mark Thank you for the invitation  to respond to your blog, which I picked up on Twitter. When we made the decision to terminate the existing tenancy in 2016, we felt that we sent a strong signal about our sense of purpose in delivering the High Peak vision. That sense of purpose remains…