Fareshare – have you done due diligence on game meat?

Following Ian Botham’s car crash radio interview yesterday it is worth considering the whole business of donating shot game to the poor and needy.  Sounds like a good idea but things are often more complicated than they seem. We can learn from US experience. The Country Food Trust is donating meals containing shot game to…

Update on National Trust pro-grouse-shooting controversy

National Trust staff are responding badly to enquiries from their membership about why on earth they are seeking to recruit a new shooting tenant to 4000+ha of their upland landholding in the Peak District. Having ousted their current tenant because of what could be called irreconcilable differences, probably over the future of birds of prey…

Guest blog – Hen Harrier reintroduction by Ian Carter

Ian Carter has worked as an ornithologist for more than 25 years. He was involved with the Red Kite reintroduction programme in England and has a keen interest in the conservation of raptors, bird reintroductions and wildlife management more generally. He is particularly interested in human attitudes towards wildlife and the complex ways in which…

Last chance to respond to the Peak District NP consultation

The Peak District National Park wants to know what you think – so you should tell them.  You’ve left it a bit late because your response has to be in by midnight (I assume) tonight. Here is some fairly detailed guidance on how you could make your views known on the wildlife-paucity of the Peak…