Do me a favour Ian Botham

England’s former greatest cricketer was doing his annual job of showing shooting in a poor light this morning.  Oh for a live petition now!  It would have amassed tens of thousands of signatures after this boorish performance by Beefy – Radio 5 Live breakfast at 08:40 – 08:48). It’s clear that 5Live regarded ‘Both’ as…

Update on Mountain Hare hunting

It’s been a busy day today:   OneKind’s Mountain Hare report: I found this report really interesting. I certainly hadn’t realised that Mountain Hare shooting was a business as well as a peculiarly ill-judged form of ‘pest’ control. A number of businesses advertising recreational mountain hare killing on their websites were approached by OneKind for…

BAWC raptor tagging project in play!

  Bleep! Bleep! Somewhere in northern England some raptors are transmitting their locations  – and that’s thanks to the skill of some dedicated raptor workers, the foresight of Birders Against Wildlife Crime and the generosity of many of you (us, actually!) in funding this project. If you are a gamekeeper thinking of pulling the trigger…

NEWS: National Trust opts for shooting in Peak District

  The National Trust today advertises for a shooting tenant for its land in the Dark Peak from which its current tenant, Mark Osborne, will soon be exiting.  This represents about 40% of the NT landholding in the High Peak and so is a substantial decision over the direction of land management on NT land….

Scotland’s mountain hare shooting industry exposed in new report

  Press release from OneKind: OneKind, Scotland’s animal campaigns charity, will release a new report on the persecution of mountain hares in Scotland on Monday 31 July, a day before the open season on mountain hare killing begins. The report titled Mountain hare persecution in Scotland exposes the scale of mountain hare killing for recreational…