Sunday book – but not a review

  My book, Inglorious – conflict in the uplands was published almost exactly two years ago in hardback, and almost exactly a year ago, in an updated paperback edition (pictured above) .  I still haven’t made my fortune from it but it has sold well – over 5000 copies. It’s not a book about Hen…

Tim Melling – A Lark Ascending

Tim writes: This photograph was a lot more difficult to take than it looks.  Once a Skylark has started to sing he rises up and rarely comes down.  And when he does appear, it is usually too far away to capture.  I photographed this one early morning after a night of heavy rain.  This hay…

An Unreliable History of Birdwatching (18) by Paul Thomas

      Previous episodes: An Unreliable History of Birdwatching by Paul Thomas (1) An Unreliable History of Birdwatching by Paul Thomas (5) An Unreliable History of Birdwatching by Paul Thomas (6) An Unreliable History of Birdwatching by Paul Thomas (13) An Unreliable History of Birdwatching by Paul Thomas (15)          …