Last week I met two barristers and a couple of solicitors and was advised that there is a good legal case on which we can challenge the ridiculous plan by Michael Gove’s Department of the Environment (Defra) to remove eggs or chicks of Hen Harriers from grouse moors – a scheme they call brood management but which is so unpopular and derided in conservation circles that it is known as ‘brood meddling’.
So at 7am this morning a crowd funding page on the site Crowd Justice will go live: here is the link which will go live at or around 7am https://www.crowdjustice.com/case/justice-for-hen-harriers/
Hen Harriers can’t hire lawyers – they need us to do that for them.
And I can’t pay all the legal costs (estimated at £25k even though our lawyers are giving us a great deal and potential costs are limited by the Aarhus convention) – I need you to chip in generously if we are to fund this challenge, please.
Together we can take this challenge on behalf of a bird we love – #justice4henharriers
500 people donating £50 each and you’re there! We, (hubby & myself) are happy to give more as I’m sure are many others. Just the sort of action we now have to resort to in order to get environmental justice. I will expect the RSPB to make a contribution unless they are prepared to mount their own legal challenge.
I understand the RSPB are considering similar action. Has any discussion been held with them? We don’t want duplication or have any lack of coordination?
Yesterday, my wife and I saw a beautiful male HH, what a sight. However, we are currently on the southernmost tip of Portugal.
I also often see a female on our bit of coast in Lincolnshire during the winter months, but thankfully, she goes back to her, safe, home in Scandinavia once the weather improves.
What we want is to see our own birds, flying freely on our own moors, safe from persecution. Along with all our other persecuted wildlife.
If you feel the same, please consider making a donation. This is so very important.
Like Sandra above, we have donated and there will be more to come if the case gets that far. Please help to be the voice for our wildlife.
Shared on my facebook page… will sort the (meagre) donation later when in front of the correct technology.
Its at over £5000 so far.
Done and happy to make a contribution against the deficiencies of Natural England and Defra.
Is there any way to add a paypal payment option to that donation drive? It would make click through donations easier. Right now you put your name in, tick a box for anonymity, and click to another page, find out you need to go down stairs and fish out the credit card and….oh screw that close tab and do something else.
With a paypal option you can make a donation in one click, and then click onto a page which asks if you don’t want anonymity, all without leaving your chair.
You see which way is easier for people to give?
I did go fish out the card, but that is because I really want to save the harriers and obstruct the government. People with a more casual interest may not be as motivated. Always make it easy for people to give you money. A simple click through webpayment system is pretty much de rigueur these days.
I am with you, Sandra. My £50 will be on its way later this afternoon.
First stage passed before schools out , well done Mark and everyone!
16.00hrs, 26th Feb. One card declined and two others claimed as out of date, which they aren’t. I’ll try again later but hope that there aren’t host of others like us trying to pledge.
I had a refused card to start with but then realised I’d neglected to change the default setting on the expiry date! Went through ok following second attempt.
Now we have a chance to have our say against this Sham of brood meddling which is all about appeasing the driven grouse shooters interests and nothing at all about protecting Our Hen Harriers !
Sandra – also worth reading Mark’s autobiography. He describes how we should trial brood management (which he called ‘the middle way’ p194) – exactly what Defra are now doing. Best. Andrew
Andrew – it puzzles me that you make comments here that are so wrong and so easily checked. Anyone reading p194 and following of Fighting for Birds (not an autobiography) can see that I did not say that.
Do you think Andrew reads it a bedtime? It will be giving him nightmares.
Totally irrelevant now, Andrew, whatever was said in the past. Situations move on. Unfortunately, some people don’t.
Hi Andrew
Thanks for the extra motivation to contribute to the cause.
Cheer, BB
As at 18:36 on 26/02/2018, you’ve raised £7, 345. Fantastic, Mark. Best of luck!
Wow £10.250 before 10pm !!!
Brian – amazing isn’t it!? Thank you to all supporters.
I hope this will begin to show the depth of feeling that many now feel about the plight of our stunning birds of prey,highlighted by the near extinction of our Hen Harriers.Government,law makers and statutory bodies take notice,the tide has turned against the excesses of driven Grouse shooting.
Yet again, Gilruth lies and legs it!