Thank you!


That was quick! Less than four and a half days.

And 919 people donated (actually 920 now) – that’s amazing.  And it shows the passion for Hen Harriers and the strength of feeling against this daft brood management plan but also, I suspect, against all the other nonsense going on thanks to Defra and Natural England.

Things will go a bit quiet on this subject for a while although when something interesting or significant happens I will keep you up to date.




12 Replies to “Thank you!”

  1. That is a triumph.It just goes to show,many of us are prepared to put our money where are mouths are.Makes me feel proud to be part of it .We SHALL overcome.!

  2. Very well done Mark for the inspiration to achieve this. Now we have a month to get the BAN Petition over 100,000 signatures. Must be possible!

  3. Wow ,this absolutely shows what We the Ordinary Folk think of the Debacle of Hen Harrier brood meddling,there is absolutely no need to Tamper with Nesting Hen Harriers to appease the driven grouse shooting interests ! Well done Mark and everyone who have showed how much feeling there is regarding brood meddling.take note Unatural England !

  4. Well done, Mark. Is anyone going Judicial Review the Walshaw HRA? I suspect a lot of people would be happy to contribute to that, too.

  5. Great to see someone providing a strong lead to rally the support of all those people who care passionately about persecuted birds of prey.

  6. Great stuff! Let’s show them up in court!

    I don’t know how these things work but if there is a day in court I’d be up for a show of solidarity outside, maybe with a placard demonstrating our feelings for this bird and what it is going through. A sort of mini Hen Harrier day celebrating victory against Defra & co!

  7. Thank you for your leadership on this and related issues. I’m still waiting for the RSPB to wake up to its ‘protection’ role but, perhaps, it’s just a little slow off the mark! An excellent but not unexpected result and now we hope for a successful outcome.

  8. Well done, Mark! Rarely has parting with money given me greater pleasure.
    (Some might find that a bit sad.)

  9. Dr Avery, would you state whether you have been granted permission to proceed to judicial review. I’m sure you know, but many other don’t, that this is a prerequisite set down in the Civil Procedure Rules. Thank you.

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