Logo 1 – the original
Logo 2 – slightly adjusted

Logo 3 – slightly adjusted
The Forest of Bowland AONB is consulting on its 5-year management plan. One thing they should consider is whether the Hen Harrier is any longer the appropriate logo for this ‘protected’ area which is an Area of Ooustanding Natural Beauty, a Site of Special Scientific Interest and a Special Protection Area for birds.
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Sadly the Dodo seems more appropriate to me, Mark.
Natural England : Disgraceful, shamefulll
They may as well cut all the in-between out and just bang a Red Grouse on their bloody signage.
The Dodo would currently be the most appropriate although I don’t think it ever occurred in Bowland. I have however gone for logo 2, because it reminds the authorities of their abject failure constantly and they need that constant reminder as they seem to have the attention span of a gnat or perhaps its wilful blindness ( thanks Ruth).
I love the F of B but it is a sad and empty place without its Harriers, Peregrines and Shorties. We need to get them back so keeping their failures in mind is an added incentive to the failing authorities and of course the damned wildlife criminals that seem to infest our uplands, Bowland being no exception. This is a fight we cannot afford to fail in and the logo is in part a symbol of that. To me at least changing to the Dodo is somehow an acceptance of the status quo and that we must not do!
The symbolism of the Dodo sums up perfectly how protected raptors throughout the Forest of Bowland are being slaughtered in the same way that resulted in the Dodos extinction at the hand of man. The Dodo therefore represents a perfect logo for Bowland because it tells it’s own story.
I understand why a number folk have chosen the Dodo, but for me the important thing is to focus on the issues of our time . While we still have Harriers, Peregrines, Shorties etc, our focus, for me, has to be on keeping them and not allowing them to go the way of The Dodo.
I’m gunning for logo 2.