At the Bird Fair this weekend there will be a petition, on bits of paper for a change, asking the Icelandic Prime Minister, very politely, to do her best to end commercial whaling by her country.
This is the wording of the petition:

Dear Katrín Jakobsdóttir, Prime Minister of Iceland
Each year the British Birdwatching Fair brings together thousands of people from all walks of life, and many different nationalities, who want to make the world a better place for wildlife.
We know, with its strong environmental ethos, that your party has a firm policy opposing whaling. We are also aware of your own wish to see it stopped and we support you in your efforts to make this happen.
Please do all you can to end this awful activity which so tarnishes the image of your beautiful country.
This petition will be available on the stands of some wildlife travel firms and I am very grateful to them for their enthusiastic cooperation. It’s a good example of an industry (not that most of them look very industrial) coming together to exert reasonable, polite, political pressure to make the world a better place.
You will find this petition on the following travel company stands:
Greentours, Marquee 1, stand 13
Sunbird, Marquee 2, stand 85-86
Orcadian Wildlife, Marquee 2, stand 68
Discover the World, Marquee 3, stand 8-9
Wildlife Worldwide, Marquee 6 Stands 25-26
Travelling Naturalist, Marquee 6, stand 27
Naturetrek, Marquee 6, stand 38-40
Heatherlea, Marquee 6, stand 57-59
If you see me at the Bird Fair and would like to sign the petition then I will have some copies too, and I expect them to be present on other stands too (watch this space).
Such a great shame that the harming of creatures, all over the world, seems all too easy. My dislike of mankind goes on. Please stop this pitiful practice . I will not be visiting Iceland any time soon.