NE response to an FoI request

Fair enough – I thought that might be the response.

Is it reasonable to take all 20 working days to answer an enquiry whose answer was always going to be this?  The 20 working day period for response is supposed to be the maximum available in order for the relevant enquiries to be made.  NE often seem to take 20 working days as the fastest that they should respond to an enquiry – at least an enquiry from me!


2 Replies to “NE response to an FoI request”

  1. Too often organisations use the final day of the response window as an “F–k you” for daring to question them. Leaving it to the last day to respond is a deliberate insult.

  2. I realise you were expecting this response Mark, but NE could have answered the question without revealing any personal information. For that matter, are NE staff “third parties”?

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