Today was a good day.

Yellow-browed warbler. Photo: Tim Melling
I saw, but mostly heard, a Yellow-browed Warbler in London – one was calling loudly and often in the gardens at the back of the Athenaeum, Travellers and Reform Clubs and across the road from the Royal Society. It took me a while to work through the possibilities in my head and then when I saw the bird briefly it scooted over to the garden of the Foreign Secretary’s grace and favour London residence at 1 Carlton Gardens. That was a good start to the day.
Then I attended the RSPB AGM – a blog about that will appear tomorrow morning.
After that, I was one of over half a million attendees at the People’s Vote march in London (a few images below).
And now I am back home working on the comments on my witness statement sent to me by my hard-working lawyer, the ‘extraordinary’ Tessa Gregory.

Today was a brilliant day. An inspirational day with the RSPB – not least the awarding of the gold medal!
I slipped out to join the march in Parliament Square for 10 minutes at lunchtime – a lovely family atmosphere. Alas I failed to get a “Bollocks to Brexit” sticker but was handed a free sheet by a couple of blokes who were supporting Brexit: “Proletarian”, the organ of the Communist Party of GB (Marxist-Leninist) – “It’s not in our class interests to allow the referendum result to be overturned.” Oh well…
Yellow browed Warbler in London must be something of a special record.? This bird is usually seen much more readily on the east coast in the autumn. although I understand they are pretty frequent this year.
I too would like to have come on the Referendum march but the RSPB AGM proved irresistible. The talks by the RSPB in the afternoon were very good indeed.
So glad the March was such a success with such a brilliant turn out. Surely this wretched government cannot ignore it and it’s message. However I am not sure the stronger language on some of the placards really helps the cause, although I understand the great frustration that this terrible government induces.
Not forgetting another protest on Saturday – against fracking at the Cuadrilla drilling site at Preston New Road, Lancs. Over 2000 people turned out
The headless chicken dash towards the Brexit is bad enough, but a week after the IPCC report highlighting just how urgent the climate crisis is, we are opening up a new source of fossil fuel emissions.
Truly, the world has gone mad.
Another referendum would kill the relevance of any other referendum…ever…or maybe we go to the best of three? Crazy.
People need to remember that there’s still a powerful leave vote who I’m sure would still come out in force, the swing the other way would have to be fairly significant. The total vote was c.10% more for leave (this equates c.1.5M more for leave)….in England alone it was c.15% more for leave (this equates c.2M more voted for leave). If we did have another vote, even if remain won, it would be so close that the country would be left in tatters.
Incidentally, I voted remain, but I am hopeful we can make leave work.