I was at the New Networks for Nature meeting on Friday last week – from what I experienced it was a highly successful event. This was the 10th such event which brings together a new network – that of artists and scientists, conservationists and politicians, old codgers and young students.
I have to admit that one of the main reasons for my attendance was that I haven’t been for a couple of years and I wanted to dip in again and meet some old friends and maybe some new people too. That worked well for me. I’d have liked more time for the networking and chatting.
But the events on stage were very good too. All of what I saw on Friday was worth seeing or hearing. The day ended with some live birds on stage including a bunch of Starlings, a magnificent white female Gyr Falcon (to die for!) and Bran the Raven (with his friend Lloyd Buck). It would be good to send the video of the intelligent behaviour of Bran to SNH and NE so that they are aware of what they are allowing to be snuffed out when they licence Raven culls.
But, for me, the highlight of the day was the conversation chaired by Michael McCarthy between Barbara Young (a Labour peer) and Caroline Lucas (the only Green Party MP at Westminster). They are both heroes of mine and both were wonderful. I particularly liked Caroline’s questioning of the environmental and wildlife NGOs over whether, in their relationship with Defra, they were mistaking access for influence. Yes, they get to see ministers now and again, and ministers turn up at events sometimes, and say nice things about them – but do our NGOs actually change the world for the better through changing the thoughts and actions of government ministers? There’s precious little evidence that they do. Do our NGOs mistake access for influence – looks very much like it to me.
Next year’s New Networks for Nature will be based in York.