I think I’ll start a series of posts of quotes relevant to campaigning, nature or just meaningful to me. Here’s the first one, which I use a lot – I last used it in a talk on Friday evening.

Studio of Joshua Reynolds – National Portrait Gallery
The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.
Edmund Burke – although there is no evidence that he wrote these words and considerable doubt over whether he even said them. No matter – it’s the words that matter not the provenance.
I think I’m a good man and I think many of the readers of this blog are good people. So let’s not do nothing, let’s get together and do things.
More on Edmund Burke – click here.
I like this quote by him as well:
“Nobody made a greater mistake than he who did nothing because he could do only a little.”
I try to keep this in the forefront of my mind when feeling ineffective.
Let’s hope Jeremy Corbyn springs into action in the next few days!
Governments are like diapers – they need to be changed regularly. Mark Twain
I think another similar quote were the words found written on a pyramid when it was being constructed “ and nobody was angry enough to speak out”. Let’s all be angry enough this year to speak out against the killing of our wildlife for fun and the great environmental damage that goes with it,
Mark of course is angry enough to speak out and is doing so so well, and Caroline Lucas is as well, good for her.
I wish also I could speak out more in favour of a second Brexit referendum, and against the stance that this wretched prime minister is taking on the subject.
Caroline Lucas had a great quote on ref2 yesterday in the Guardian with a carpentry saying
‘measure twice cut once.’
Her whole article was very clever and eloquent and most importantly spot on.
Amazing quote, a great thought.