It’s a bit difficult to know what to say about our three days in court (5 and 6 December and 17 January) challenging the decision of Natural England to license brood meddling of Hen Harriers.
The judge, is considering the cases made by our side and the RSPB that the licensing was unlawful, and the defence case from Natural England. Until Ms Justice Lang reveals her judgement it seems better to be guarded in any remarks.
However, from what was said in court I am very glad that we took this step to challenge the powers that be on their decision. Win or lose, it was worth the time, effort and money.
Day 3 seemed to go well, although it is very difficult to tell, and I’m no lawyer, but I left Court 18 feeling optimistic. We’ll see.
If asked to bet on when we will hear the judge’s decision I would put my money on February rather than January or March but what will be, will be. I’ll let you know as soon as I can.
Come what may be, well done Mark and the RSPB, great stuff .It is important not to let Natural England (or it is really this Government, Ms Coffey I suspect) get away wth what is a ludicrous scheme viewed from any angle.
I wouldn’t want to influence the judge by allowing her to see RPUK pages today.
I lie. I would.
An interesting question on University Challenge last night (21/1/19):-
‘What is the two word common name of Circus Cyaneus. According to the RSPB it is the most intensively persecuted British bird of prey and is particularly under threat on Northern Grouse Moors’
It is rather good how the awareness is spreading from quite surprising places, and perhaps more people will get the answer right next time.
20 minutes in at
John – yes, I was watching too. I got that one right!