I like it when conservation organisations work together on important issues – here’s one.
The Save Coul Links Conservation Coalition was formed by Buglife, Butterfly Conservation Scotland, Marine Conservation Society, National Trust for Scotland, Plantlife, RSPB Scotland and the Scottish Wildlife Trust to help save Coul Links – an internationally important wildlife site, protected by national, European and international nature designations – from the lasting damage that will occur if it is developed in to a golf course.
The consortium is raising funds for the legal battle to save this site. You might think that this is just what these organisations ought to be spending their core funds on anyway, and it is, but I’ve still chipped in a few pounds to help this challenge along. That’s partly because the cause is a good one, and partly to encourage such joint working.
To learn more about Coul Links use the ‘Search’ function on this blog (enter Coul) and you’ll see lots of earlier coverage or click on what the various organisations have to say about it (eg Plantlife – click here).
I supported the campaign group Not Coul, who were mentioned in a post on the RSPB website on 13 February. They are also giving evidence at the enquiry. Perhaps the RSPB had not yet agreed to the crowdjustice effort at that time. I did not notice it at the time.
I also note that the crowdjustice campaign will not receive money unless it reaches the target. I’ll wait to top it up if needs be.
I’d like to praise the RSPB for advertising the Not Coul campaign in the post, as other individual or group efforts need not reflect badly on NGOs who support them.