A quote from Angela Smith MP, now Independent Group MP for Penistone and Stocksbridge, who is also the Westminster Parliament Species Champion for the Hen Harrier, following last week’s devastating critique of driven grouse shooting in a new scientific paper;
[registration_form]Grouse shooting is facing serious scrutiny at the moment, especially in relation to the persecution of birds of prey. The killing has to stop. If it doesn’t, the political pressure for legislation to toughen the law will increase and the case for change will become impossible to ignore.
The case for change has already become more than impossible to ignore for many of us for some considerable time. Government agencies and departments should be at the forefront driving that change not hiding behind the skirts of their pals in the grouse shooting cabal.
I quite like Angela Smith, she’s supported wildlife for years, called for stronger penalties for animal abusers etc etc, but I have to echo Paul’s comment. How much more obvious does illegal killing of birds of prey on grouse moors have to get before she’s convinced the time to act is now? I know she’s been busy lately but surely she’s read the recent report on sat tagged Hen Harriers (or at least the summary)? Pretty sure you’ve sent her Inglorious, she was at Hen Harrier Day in 2015, she knows what’s what…the case for change is well laid, solid, irrefutable, and impossible to ignore.
Might have more regard what she says if she were to have the integrity to stand for re election as the Independent Group PLC candidate in her constituency. Can she really be an MP when her group’s is a PLC and it’s finances are hidden?