A week today there will be a rally in Westminster calling for politicians to take action on climate change and environmental decline.
Kick-off 1pm.
Save the date, book your transport, and come to London.
I’m in London anyway that day, for a World Land Trust meeting, I hope I’ll be able to add myself to the rally for at least a while.
This rally is supported by almost all the environmental organisations you could imagine.

I don’t believe that our current government is willing to make any changes that will make a real difference.
They have been told for the last 40 years and its still just carry on as before!
Either the politicians do not look at the mess, do not accept the evidence, or they don’t care about what is being done/allowed to be done to the environment.
News comes from Greenpeace today that the Mersey is the most polluted with plastic river in the country – in fact has more of the stuff than that Pacific garbage patch.
The problem now is that they’re too worried about trying to become PM (and who in their right minds wants this job?) and too busy argy-bargying in a deluded fashion about the consequences of a ridiculous referendum.
Coaches are travelling to the lobby from at least ten UK cities:
and some NGOs (eg some WL Trusts) are organising their own coaches too.
Even if you can’t go, advice is given on the link above about lobbying your MP by email.
It looks as if more than 14,000 will be there….