This was Bowland Knotts yesterday evening – it was a lovely clear evening. It’s a pretty deserted place on the road across the moors from Slaidburn to Clapham in Bowland – a few Curlew and lots of Meadow Pipits – but there was a relatively big crowd there at 8am this morning as the Marathon for the Missing Hen Harriers started.

Henry Morris and some mates are running today and over the next three days to join the dots, roughly, of where Hen Harriers, a protected bird, have disappeared on grouse moors in recent years. The science is clear that these disappearances are most easily explained by illegal persecution by grouse-shooting interests. Henry, who has only recently seen his first Hen Harrier, is publicising the plight of this bird and raising money for Wild Justice.

Will Henry make it over the gruelling four days? Will his satellite tag mysteriously fail in the middle of a grouse moor? Well, you can follow his progress while he is running by clicking here and seeing how much progress he is making.
And if you think that Henry and his friends are amazing (I do!) then you can donate on their Justgiving page (I just have).