With 133,203 pageviews in August, that was the second-highest ever month for this blog (highest ever; August 2016 (when a previous e-petition reached 100,000 signatures on 13 August) and gained 177,686 pageviews). Last month was quite a way ahead of September 2016 (the third highest) which was in the high 119,000s.
In terms of monthly readers, the total was 26,110 which was the sixth highest ever, all the higher months were in 2016.
Thank you for being here – although I would probably write much of what I do write here even if there were far fewer readers – but it’s certainly nice to know that there are about the same number as a decent monthly magazine.
Excellent Mark. Please continue to encourage us on the Petition, it would be good to exceed your 2016 record if if we are time limited.
Blimey (or words to the effect). Just looked at the petition, it is going to pass 100,000 very very soon!! 98,235 at 14.42.
Well done LACS (presumably it is them?), my fears that it would relegate Argyll and Bute out of the first division (top 10) seem to be unfounded. Although we were 9th so it will be a close call.
Prasad – not just LACS although their intervention on Friday was worth thousands of signatures for sure.
This is terrible. 99,286 Argyll and Bute are doomed, doomed.
Thankyou for all your hard work
I enjoy your blog very much also guest blogs
Always informative, well written and entertaining
Did a countdown to 100k at 19.33. Well done!