Zac Goldsmith (Richmond Park, 224 signatures in favour of a ban on driven grouse shooting) has been promoted to fill the void left by Therese Coffey. Zac has had one of the quickest ever promotions having come in to Defra as a Parliamentary Under Secretary at the end of July he is a Minister of State soon after the beginning of September.

His role is now filled by Rebecca Pow (Taunton Deane, 256 signatures in favour of a ban on driven grouse shooting).
An interesting group of letters in today’s Guardian concerning biodiversity. Particularly the one from Ross Macleod Head of policy of GWCT (Scotland) extolling the virtues of DGS and heather burning and cutting, this time in relation to control of the heather beetle
I am not sure what these changes at Defra mean, especially the likely effect of the new comers on biodiversity and helping our wildlife, although I understand that Zac Goldsmiths green credentials are quite green, but this could of course mean little will change.
One thing I am sure of is the the removal of Coffey has to be “good riddance to bad rubbish”. A great supporters of the shooters and driven grouse shooting, we have waited a long time to see her go with her absolutely lamentable record at Defra as far as biodiversity and support of wildlife is concerned.. Let’s hope the new arrivals are a big improvement. They can hardly be worse.
“One thing I am sure of is the the removal of Coffey has to be “good riddance to bad rubbish””
Though the arrival of her special brand of complacency at the DWP must be of great concern to all those who depend on the benefits system in some way (or who have relatives and loved ones who depend on it).
No one opposed to the badger cull will be pleased with Rebecca Pow’s appointment. The science relating to the issue seems to be completely lost on her. Also, I understand, a strong supporter of fox hunting.