A series of quotes relevant to the environment and/or campaigning.
This week’s quote is from Robert Frost (died 1963).

A liberal is a man too broadminded to take his own side in a quarrel.
More on Robert Frost (click here)
Yes, John F Kennedy had Robert Frost recite some of his poetry at the President’s inauguration ceremony on January 20th 1961.
Heaven knows this country and the world generally is desperately short today of Liberals of the sort described by Robert Frost. The right wing bigots in this country and around the world are close to threatening our democracy
In the current political climate that broad-mindedness is perhaps a fatal flaw. While the liberal is at pains to understand the other side’s point of view and to rely on fact and reason to argue his or her case, the right wing demagogues like Trump and Johnson are happy to paint the world in black and white, ignore nuances and surf on any wave of prejudice and falsehood that keeps them moving forward.
I thought it referred to Mr Corbyn’s stance on Brexit.
That’s the problem quite often with quotes quite often they can mean anything you want them to mean.
“The woods are lovely, dark and deep,
But I have promises to keep,
And miles to go before I sleep”