Here’s another of those quizzes that make you choose between the parties’ policies (without them being labelled by party) and then tells you what you are! Here is the link and here are my results;

According to Vote for Policies I am a LibDem but I’ll be voting for the Labour candidate, Beth Miller, in the Corby constituency on Thursday. I suspect that I may be more LibDem on the policies I care about least and more Labour on those I care about most – that’s my rationalisation of this result anyway. Though, in another constituency, with other candidates, I could certainly vote LibDem with little guilt.
What was more interesting for me was that the 900+ residents of the Corby constituency who have taken this quiz were fairly equally divided between Labour (in the lead, just), Conservative (the winner in the last two general lections) and LibDem (expected to come a long way third here as usual).

You can also look up the England and UK results – but I’ll let you do that for yourself after you have ‘discovered’ what ‘you are’.
Im 40% Green and 38% Labour. My MP is Dennis Skinner though and he’s great. When I write to him he sometimes phones me up to discuss it, which I think is actually pretty damn good.
From the Republic of Clay Cross.
Just vote for whoever is likely to stop the Tories. It’s that simple. It might be our last chance!
Well although I’m a member of the Scottish Green Party it seems I’m more attuned to the Labour Party. Mind you I’m a reluctant SGP member in the first place. Labour does seem to be coming over very well – FoE have put them slightly ahead of the Greens as the most environmentally responsible party for this election, but the greens seem to have submitted some info to FoE too late for analysis which didn’t help.
770 survey responses from Melton and Rutland and the 4 main parties are fairly equal, LibDems slightly ahead. Must say something about those who take the survey as Conservatives always win here by miles… My own was 66% Green – I’ve already voted for them by post.
I did that survey – as a labour/libdem ditherer (because labour at heart, south cambs I need to tactically be libdem).. I was surprised to see I ended up with about 9% brexit party in my answers . The south cambs area was mostly libdem-labour-green in its outlook, though, which I guess just relects those who have filled this in, as I would be surprised if the libdem remain alliance candidate overturns the massive tory majority…..but we’ll see.
Well that was interesting. I came out LibDem in this “quiz”. Having attended local hustings last week I’ll definitely be voting Labour. Candidate knocked spots off the others with energy, knowledge, ability to communicate, connect & answer the questions. LibDem & Greens were nice guys who did well, Tory Esther McVey was booed & heckled, Labour candidate brought promise of change & a breath of fresh air.
Joyce – Esther McVey is one of my least favourite politicians.
I favour the greens in my survey. McVey? Your lucky I have Truss!