Well that’s it – no continents left! We finished with Africa.
Cheetahs, Elephants, White Rhinos and all that stuff.
The Brown Hyaena was rather good.
What will I and millions of others do for an hour next Sunday? But much more importantly what will we all do in our separate few minutes on Thursday?
David Attenborough ended with the phrase;
This is a crucial moment in time. The decisions we take now will influence the future of animals, humanity and indeed all life on Earth
Vote Labour on Thursday because your vote is your say in those decisions.
Anyone who votes Labour in my constituency on Thursday will be doing Boris Johnson a favour. Under our current system it makes sense to vote tactically to prevent another Tory victory.
Yes – same in almost all of Scotland. Need to vote tactically (SNP) to get Tories out – then get the non-Tories working together for better.
Tactical not tribal!! https://tactical.vote/
I will vote Labour on Thursday and by doing so I will reduce the chances of the Conservative candidate winning the seat, but I agree wholeheartedly with the comments above. Under our First Past the Post system, where the party most likely to win nationally is so toxic, voters don’t necessarily have the luxury of being able to vote for the party they believe in.
Actions have consequences and it is as well to think them through. By voting Labour on Thursday in many constituencies where Labour cannot win, the electorate could allow Johnson a further five years to corrupt those parts of the country that choose to remain part of the United Kingdom under his misrule.