[registration_form]The Government has always been clear on the need to phase out burning of protected blanket bog to conserve these vulnerable habitats, and we are looking at how legislation could achieve this.
More weasel words from Ms. Pow. I thought the word “protected” meant that there was already some form or legislation in place, silly me.
Also no mention of “non-protected” blanket bogs and no mention of burning things that are not blanket bogs.
Unless I am being thick, the Government does not need new legislation to prevent burning on “protected blanket bog”. If it is protected it is presumably an SSSI. If it is an SSSI presumably all it needs is for Natural England to refuse to consent burning. This does not require new legislation just application of current legislation.
This of course begs the question about “unprotected” blanket bog and indeed all other peat soil habitats.
The problem on the SSSIs is old consents that allow burning. Many of these were given before the CROW Act tightened up the SSSI legislation (back then it was very difficult for English Nature or NCC to refuse consent). There is a procedure for revoking consents but compensation is payable and I doubt NE has the time or money to do it.