This week, Wild Justice’s third crowdfunder was fully funded, even in these difficult times.
Our first challenge of the Natural England general licences (see the Jay above) was successful and much of the money raised for that has contributed to the Natural Resources Wales challenge (see Jackdaw above). We are awaiting news from the Court on the NRW challenge and awaiting the results of the DEFRA review (due ‘soon’) on the situation in England. The ripples from our challenges have turned into waves and we are hoping to see some of the faults of the general licences swept away.
And the second fundraiser, on release of tens and tens of millions of non-native gamebirds has caused DEFRA to review this activity. We should hear the results of the DEFRA review some time this summer and we are waiting for news from the Court on whether we will be given leave for judicial review of future releases.
As the ongoing comment in the shooting press and by shooting organisations shows, Wild Justice has stirred things up and shone a light on murky activities like never before.
Talking of murky activities – brood meddling. Here again, my personal challenge of Natural England’s licensing of this practice was supported by a successful crowdfunder back in 2018;

… and although we lost that challenge, we decided to appeal the judgment and that necessitated another crowdfunder which was also funded;

We went to court in late March but one of the three Appeal Court judges was taken ill at lunchtime on Day 1 and we are still waiting, what with a global pandemic and all, for a future date for resumption of the appeal.
The legal process is quite slow, and over-stretched, and even more so than usual, understandably, at this particular time.
Thank you so much for making it possible to take such legal challenges. I wish things moved on a bit quicker but our strike rate of bringing about change by this means is very high.
I, and Wild Justice, will provide updates when significant events occur but please be aware that there is quite a log of activity happening below the surface all the time – it’s all important but slightly dull stuff with lawyers though! I’m hoping for more exciting news soon.
That’s absolutely brilliant Mark. Hopefully the actions that will flow from these fundings should give the large land owners, those that enjoy killing our wildlife for fun and those that abuse our wildlife for any money, something to think about. Not to forgetting those politicians and their supporters that have their vested interests in these sorts of activities
Great work Mark and all your supporters.
Mark have you spotted this proposal up near Hermaness nature reserve on Unst?
3 massive rocket launch pads slotted between 5 SSSIs and the NNR.
Fomr the plans each roket appears to be about 35 meters long, which probably impies about 50-70 tons of on board fuel each one, and flying over the offshore SSSIs / Hermaness peninsula a couple of mile to the west.
The local Shetland Bird Club has spotted it but they are tiny.
Surely its time to bring SNH to heal? Or at least make them stop and think?