Over 7 million page views

Over the past nine years (approximately) this blog has had 7 million page views. The plot above is a monthly charting of that.

Good, bad or irrelevant?


7 Replies to “Over 7 million page views”

    1. Random22 – i couldn’t get Google Analytics to work properly for a while! Pure incompetence as I remember it.

  1. Good. Certainly not irrelevant – no point in publishing a blog if no one reads it and 7 million page views seems impressive to me! Number of individual readers (in so far as that is possible to capture) would be interesting too.

    The last couple of years has seen a dip in page views around April/May which seems to be recurring this year (which is surprising considering the (acclaimed!) bird song blogs). I wonder why that is?

    1. Francis – I can explain that. In May 2018 I was in North America and so blogging much less and in May 2019 the blog was offline for c3 weeks for maintenance and repair, whereas this year we are only about half way through the month so far.

  2. I think it’s encouraging that the messages of ‘standing up for nature’ have been viewed 7 million times. That means hundreds of thousands of people(?) are interested in this stuff and care, or can be influenced to care. That’s great.

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