After…things I would like to be different (1)

After coronavirus (which might be quite a long way away), or at least when the world settles down to a new normal, there are some things that I’d like to be different. So over the next days and weeks I’m going to write them down. They will mostly be to do with our relationship with the natural world (but not exclusively).

If you would like to have a go at writing a guest blog on a thing that you would like to be different then please take notice of these general guidelines for guest blogs and send it to me at for consideration. I’ll give priority to offers that relate to the natural environment, and/or to those that are well-written (IMHO).

…things I would like to be different (1)

I’d like the Speaker of the House of Commons to rule that Prime Minister’s Questions should be carried out in the relative silence that it is now. He should rule that only MPs who are called to speak should utter a sound, and only when they are on their feet.

The unseemly spectacle of PMQs for years – it has subsided into an embarrassingly braying contest. the quiet of the current situation is vastly better if one is watching on TV or listening on the radio.

At the moment it plays to the strengths of Keir Starmer as he politely but firmly pins Blathering Boris down on particular issues, and that is one reason why I like it so much more, but that is a short term thing – the long term reason is that it would establish the dignity and importance of the occasion and give far more weight to it.

Now one can, as never before, hear the doubt in the Prime Minister’s answers and that tells us a lot about whether we should believe him or not. I’d like that to be true for all future Prime Ministers too.


3 Replies to “After…things I would like to be different (1)”

  1. Cracking start to your wish list. However, MPs setting a good example? Er……

  2. A very fine idea, it is and has been for a while including under May and Cameron that Tory PMs have been sort of rescued from the probing questions of the labour leader and Ian Blackford by their own baying idiots.
    I’d like to see most MPs attending the debates all of the time its what we pay them for after all.
    I also hope the increased kindness amongst friends and neighbours remains too.
    On the downside we’ve had all those predicable wildlife crims, no doubt many associated with game shooting taking advantage of the lockdown to do away with a lot of protected wildlife. I’d like to see all of them gone permanently. Out of that sort of work I mean not dead, well that sort of work largely banned and the fools in the wider conservation world who praise or protect them either brought to the light or silenced too ( perhaps by gross embarrassment).

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