Dear Natural England
You know that you’ve had to release the advice of the Scientific Advisory Group on brood-meddling under EIR regulations. That means that many with an interest in this project have seen the advice and are chatting about it between themselves.
You should expect that some of this information will emerge over the next few days and weeks as it is quite interesting. Rather than inform the public about this project through responding to EIRs and letting us all write about the project on our blogs don’t you think that NE should make an evaluation of your contentious flagship project?
It’s surprising that NE does not publish updates on the project which forms , we are told, a key element of the government’s Hen Harrier Action Plan.
Given Recommendation 1 of the Scientific Advisory Group, you may be in a position to update us all on what is happening this year and whether this year the original protocol is being followed properly.

Come to that, you could tell the world whether NE is ensuring that Recommendation 2 will be met this year – will it? And whether Recommendation 3 will be met in future and whether those data are available for last year?

…out of a sows’ ear. Photo: Shutterstock
I agree with the blog but the second picture is wrong .
One cannot tell the sex of the pigs so they might all be female but even so they’re gilts not sows.
It is a bit picky but then I am an ex pigman.
Gary – except the caption doesn’t say that they are sows it just finishes off the saying. I realised that point, but it is quite difficult to source images of sows’ ears (although detached from the sow is possible but unpleasant) but if you have any send them over thanks!