Over the last few weeks I have published a number of excellent guest blogs and I’m delighted to have done so.
Recently, so far in June, they have been:
- I wish I had swatted it by Jonathan Wallace
- Hatfield Moors SSSI: Fetch a bucket of water boys? by Helen Kirk
- Afterwards… by Louise Bacon
- Natural England licences; a cover up? Part 2 by Bob Berzins
- No Further Action by Anonymous
- Natural England licences; a cover up? Part 1 by Bob Berzins
- Pheasant or Pheasant’s-eye? by Miles King
- Wildflower-rich road verges – the botanists’ Hen Harrier? by Kevin Walker
- Things I would like to be different by Paul Fisher
- Inkcap by Sophie Yeo
- Wool-carder Bee by Jane V. Adams
- Young Wild Writer Competition for Hen Harrier Day 2020 by Gill Lewis
I am very happy to consider Guest Blogs for this site from individuals or from organisations. You can either contact me on mark@markavery.info to discuss your idea or just send something in and I promise I’ll look at it, but I can’t promise I will publish it. Having said that, rather few submissions have been rejected.
Here are some guidelines:
- length – there is no minimum or maximum word limit
- format – send as a .doc or docx file
- hyperlinks – include in the Word text
- images – send as .jpg or .png (DO NOT embed in the text (please)) and confirm that you have the right to publish these images
- who you are – include an image of yourself, the author
- who you are – include a few sentences about yourself
- who you are – tell me your Twitter handle if you have one, please
- topics – whatever you like which fits into the general thrust of this blog which has a primarily UK (and primarily English) audience. You don’t have to agree with me, in fact a variety of views is perfectly acceptable.
- tone – don’t be rude about others (you can be a bit rude about me), and don’t libel anyone.
- interact with comments made on your blog – it’s really nice if Guest Bloggers interact with the comments made – not essential but nice.
- you must be prepared for what you send me to be published – read it through, correct the typos, get it right. I won’t necessarily update your blog just because you sent it in too soon and too unchecked (although I usually do but it makes me grind my teeth).
Hello Mark,
Not a guest blog as such but an excellent report from probably the best news broadcaster on the planet and should be of interest to all your readers: