Wild Justice is taking on the Badger cull – or at least the licensing of free shooting of Badgers by Natural England.
A crowdfunder launched at 2pm has raised £9,000 by 6pm, which is pretty amazing and probably indicates the level of anger about this cull of one of our most charismatic native species.
To support this legal case – click here please. Thank you!
Great stuff Wild Justice, a great cause. The very very best of luck.
The case looks exceedingly strong, and your coffers may well be filled as soon as NE concede or are found at fault.
Sorry, Wild Justice, I think you may need to find even more failings in the environmental government.
I’m sure that you have plenty more ideas, but this is a corker.
Interesting that NE are recruiting some 200 new staff including I understand two solicitors https://twitter.com/TonyJuniper/status/1274403725038227457 See also https://naturalenglandcareers.org.uk/
“We are hiring 200 professionals to help with our @NaturalEngland
mission to build partnerships for Nature’s recovery.”
Yet they cull and licence culling, they facilitate brood meddling all in the name of ‘recovery’?
Ponder the job description for the solicitors