From Twitter:

Tim Bonner’s best tweet since his Linnethawk one. Worth a retweet to help spread the message to move away from poisonous lead ammo – some people don’t know whether they are coming or going though ( see BASC spoke with forked tongue?).
In other news from the shooting bubble, Duncan Thomas has changed his twitter handle which no longer mentions BASC. I assume he hasn’t been sacked, but instead he chooses to highlight his taste in clothing.

What is a ‘Sporting Shooting community professional’ exactly? And Duncan, we are all still taking our degree in the University of Life, if you work really really hard you might increase your grade but it may require quite a lot of effort in the time remaining.
Not sure I’ve seen DT in tweed but looking at his awful taste in hats one wonders what colour tweed he might favour. Degree from university of life, really , not a graduate in my book.