As the chair of trustees of the World Land Trust I’m keen that as many people as possible support the work of this small but highly effective conservation charity. But also as chair, I get a closer look inside the organisation than most, and my admiration for the small UK team, our partners in organisations across the world and the work that we do together to protect land of high nature conservation value grows all the time.
The basic model is simple: World Land Trust raises money to buy land in conservation hot-spots, many in South America, and empowers local conservation groups to look after that land in perpetuity. It’s a model that our Patron, Sir David Attenborough has described thus:

The money that is given to the World Land Trust, in my estimation, has more effect on the wild world than almost anything I can think of.
Sir David Attenborough. https://www.worldlandtrust.org/patrons/sir-david-attenborough/
Well, that’s quite an endorsement!
To find out whether you think Sir David is right, or not, then sign up to the WLT monthly ebulletin to get regular updates on our work. Covid-19 has set our work back, not least because it is affecting our partners on the ground in South America, Africa and Asia too, but there is a lot going on and an awful lot still to do. I’m confident that the more you find out about WLT’s work, the more you will want to help.
But if you’ll take Sir David’s word for it, then a monthly donation as a Friend of the World Land Trust would help us do even more – click here for details.
Thank you!

Hi MARk, yes WLT is a very good organisation and very much worth supporting. I have been a supporter for some time now making a monthly donation. Good luck to the organisation it is doing a terrific job.
Alan – thanks very much for your comment and your donations.
As there is no Birdfair this year, we will miss the opportunity to visit the WLT stand to make our annual donation. Thanks Mark for the timely reminder to set up a standing order instead.
Eleven years ago this month we were privileged to visit Fundacian Jocotoco close to Quito in Ecuador. This venture is funded for 20 years, until 2025, by a birding holiday company with whom we’ve frequently travelled. The new reserve has 20,000 new trees, a mixture of native species to create an area of temperate and upper cloud forest. It works closely with the local community and seedlings were collected from other local reserves and grown on in an on-site nursery. An objective of the company was to offset carbon usage from travel and the WLT used protocols laid down in the Kyoto agreement to work out how much land would be needed to fully offset the emissions. WLT then added 25% to be on the safe side. The funding came directly from the pockets of the five directors of the tour group. Already new species are being attracted to the site. An excellent collaborative scheme.
I have been a monthly supporter for many years and love the organisation. A few years ago I travelled through México and before I left I asked WLT for some info on Sierra Gorda. They were extremely helpful and gave me names and contact details of conservationists and local green accomodation there who could show me the reserve. Unfortunately, I couldn’t get there but a friend did last year who I helped with the contacts. She had a great trip, accomodation and local guide and enjoyed the amazing forest and wikdlife. Thank You WLT.