Just call me 202000070343

From the Scottish government:

Our Reference: 202000070343
Your Reference: Another poisoned eagle

Dear Dr Mark Avery,

Thank you for your correspondence received on 29/07/2020. Your query will be passed to the relevant area for consideration and has been given a reference number of 202000070343. Please quote this number in all correspondence. The Scottish Government aim to respond, where necessary, as quickly as possible and within the stated timescale as indicated on our website (http://www.gov.scot/about/contact-information/how-to-request-information/).

Yours sincerely
Correspondence system for SG and partner agencies

It’s an inspiring reply to this email, isn’t it?

What number are you?

If you are maddened or saddened by the level of wildlife crime in Scotland’s Cairngorms National Park, and would like your concerns to be treated as a number, then please write to First Minister Nicola Sturgeon ([email protected]) and copy in Cabinet Secretary Roseanna Cunningham ([email protected]).


34 Replies to “Just call me 202000070343”

  1. So far so good. At least it shows that your email Mark is being processed in the Scottish Governments system and not being totally ignored, which is something. Remains to be seen how positive their reply will be. I have not yet received a similar email, myself.

    1. Alan – I’m interested to hear when and whether others get similar emails. Is it a stack or a queue? Do you know the difference (I only asked because this only became clear to me in a conversation with some young people I know)? A queue would be first in first out, whereas a stack would be first in last out. I’ll always remember that – it’s the type of thing that fills my brain. But also, how long is the queue/stack?

      1. I am
        Our Reference: 202000069605
        Your Reference: White-tailed Eagle poisoned in Aberdeenshire
        received on 3rd August

  2. Hi Mark,famous words from the Prisoner comes to mind ,I am not a number I’m a free man ! But yes I’m number 202000070361,regards Bri.

  3. Mine is 202000069930. I expect to receive exactly the same response as you, Mark. Only the number and the name will be different.

  4. Should add that my e-mail was sent on 28 July. I don’t know if that helps you work out if we are in a FIFO or a LIFO system.

  5. Mark – I got exactly the same response, and am 202000069598. My emails were sent at 15:15 on 27/7.

  6. Hi Mark,

    I sent my letter on the 27th July and received my reply on 31st July.

    Our Reference: 202000069320
    Your Reference: White-tailed eagle

    Thank you for your correspondence received on 28/07/2020. Your query will be passed to the relevant area for consideration and has been given a reference number of 202000069320. Please quote this number in all correspondence. The Scottish Government aim to respond, where necessary, as quickly as possible and within the stated timescale as indicated on our website (http://www.gov.scot/about/contact-information/how-to-request-information/).

    Yours sincerely
    Correspondence system for SG and partner agencies

  7. My reference number is 202000069811. received on 3rd August, my letter was sent on 28th July. judging from the numbers they had a great deal of mail on that poisoned WTE—-good. Sadly much of the time the Scottish Parliament behaves like a uni or 6th form debating society, lots of talk very little action. Lets hope we have influenced that to change.

  8. They probably assign each topic a range of numbers out of the database, as they can’t predict how many comms they will get. One of the numbers from the first few people to contact them are what we need. Unfortunately I doubt they have had 70,000.

  9. My emails were sent on 27th July at 17:41 and 17:47. Reply received 3rd August, number 202000069512.

  10. Mark, could it be your reference number refers to the number of illegal persecution offences? Posted my email 1st August and still waiting for a reply. Will keep you informed.

  11. Dear 202000070343

    I got the standard reply to my e mail “Hen harriers – no not this time. Golden eagles – no that was last time. It is the white tailed sea eagles turn now” on 31st July.

    Kind regards

  12. Mark,

    Mine is
    Our Reference: 202000070431
    Your Reference: White-Tailed Eagle Poisoned in Cairngorms National Park

    Thank you for your correspondence received on 29/07/2020. Your query will be passed to the relevant area for consideration and has been given a reference number of 202000070431. Please quote this number in all correspondence. The Scottish Government aim to respond, where necessary, as quickly as possible and within the stated timescale as indicated on our website (http://www.gov.scot/about/contact-information/how-to-request-information/).

    Yours sincerely
    Correspondence system for SG and partner agencies

  13. I’m 202000071849 – received 2 hours ago – 6/8/2020
    Sent my email on 29/07/2020

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