Hen Harrier Day Online goes live at 10am tomorrow – introduced by Chris Packham and Megan McCubbin.
To watch through the day visit the Hen Harrier Day YouTube channel https://www.youtube.com/HenHarrierDayUK
Alan Cranston, Chair of Hen Harrier Action, said:“The hen harrier is a symbol for our wider concerns about nature in the uplands and that is a theme that has resonated with many poets, writers and artists who will be taking part.
The moorlands of Britain are places we all should be able to enjoy, whether as visitors or locals. By hosting the event online, we hope that even more people will be able to join us this year in celebrating the UK’s hen harriers and the landscapes they bring to life.”
Dr Ruth Tingay, co-director of Wild Justice said: “Having an online event for Hen Harrier Day 2020 is testament to the determination of conservationists to see an end to the illegal killing of hen harriers and other raptors on the UK’s grouse moors. Not even a global pandemic will put us off. Wild Justice is thrilled to be supporting this event.“
Martin Harper, Conservation Director at the RSPB, said: “Nature is in crisis and the time is now to build a sustainable and nature-rich future for the benefit of us all. The problems in our uplands – from peatbog burning and flooding to raptor persecution – must be addressed urgently. Hen Harrier Day is crucial in helping bring these issues to the fore.”
Thank you so much Wild Justice and and RSPB. Your support and guidance have been invaluable, and your folk on the team have been brilliant. It’s going to be a great event.
Once it got going greatly enjoyed the first live session. Excellent contributions by many and wonderful films and readings, especially poetry.
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Excellent stuff. By the comments on twatter, it’s really pissed the tweed disease off. Glad to see that only a couple of them managed to dump their poison on the live broadcast “chat”.