[registration_form]In Europe most lead exposure is via the diet, and one source that can be readily eliminated is lead fragments from ammunition used to shoot wild game.
…in 2018 the UK National Screening Committee (NSC) recommended against screening for elevated blood lead levels in young children, so the extent of children’s exposure is unknown, and no comprehensive primary prevention strategy exists.
Ah! but its alright because the shooting organisations, after ignoring the issue or denying the facts as exposed by the Lead Ammunition group amongst others are now going to phase out lead over the next five years. That’s OK then game fed children will only have their intelligence compromised during that time. Lead in petrol banned eons ago, lead in paint banned eons ago, lead water pipes largely phased out eons ago, lead ammunition, posh people own expensive guns so we still get poisoned by it if we eat game!
The idiots in BASC, GWCT and the rest think they are leading on this, but they are so far behind the rest of us we are out of sight and they think they are in front——–Tossers!
Shooting organisation are not ignoring it otherwise they would not be phasing lead out would they?
Some 6 million pre 1970 properties still have lead in their water supply and lots of other common food and drink contain lead.
Not a difficult decision to chose not to feed a young child with game is it? Posh people own expensive guns so we still get poisoned by it if we eat game, then don’t eat it, nobody is forcing you to are they?
Obviously you have first hand experience of eating a lot of game meat as a child.
John – are they phasing out lead? That’s what they say, but how do you know?
It is a difficult decision not to feed a child leaded game meat if you don’t know the dangers. Where are the warning labels on game meat?
John, the evidence about the toxicity and the risks associated with lead ammunition have been known of for years. Yet until very recently all the organisations representing the shooting cabal (indeed the SGA still oppose the phasing out of lead) continued to promote shot game as a healthy option and vilified those from within the shooting world who said different, when we all knew that different was right. To pretend now as they do that they are at the forefront of phasing out lead ammunition is total hypocrisy. It could and should be gone asap, never mind five years.
No I didn’t eat much shot game as a child, although I ate some, now if I eat game it is self obtained without any lead involved.
The evidence about the toxicity of smoking and drinking alcohol has also been know about for years, it could of and should been gone years ago but has not. Beer contains lead but does it say so on the label? Just like a lot of other food and drink. I bet nobody has a death certificate stating died by lead poising through eating game. Compare that to the obesity problem due to process food, high sugar drinks and fast food sold every day to millions, when will they be gone?
Life style personal decision.
John – only a decision if you have the facts. Read this and then come back better informed http://www.leadammunitiongroup.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/LAG-Report-June-2015-without-Appendices.pdf
Mark, Very questionable facts, from a group that fell apart as I remember it. Like the rant of Liddles.
John – you haven’t read it then. And actually the GWCT have, of course, changed their position on lead. I’ll be commenting on the very very nasty BASC article this avening – what a ghastly unpleasant lot they are – and you support them? They’ll be hammering another nail in grouse shooting’s coffin with this type of nastiness.