Over 57,000 e-actions have been taken since Hen Harrier Day, pressing elected politicians to act on wildlife crime and generally on the ecological problems associated with driven grouse shooting. Thank you – it’s an amazing response and I’m sure it has quite a way to go still.
Below I have posted the standard response from Scottish Conservative MSPs – it’s better than the standard responses sent out by Conservative MPs in England but that is not a very high bar to cross (see here and here). There is no mention of what the Scottish Conservatives would do on this issue – in particular no mention of licensing. Because this has been a live issue in the Scottish Parliament every political party is trying to show how well they have addressed these concerns. The equivalent responses from Green and Labour MSPs can be found here (Greens, Labour).
If you have already contacted your elected politician – thank you! You are one of over 57,000 who have done so.
But if you want to give your elected politician a nudge to act for change then please send them a message through this e-action which is a joint campaign by the RSPB, Hen Harrier Action and Wild Justice. Click here to have a look please. Thank you!
The Scottish Conservatives condemn the illegal persecution of birds of prey. Those who carry out these acts should face the full force of the law.
The Scottish Parliament’s Environment, Climate Change and Land Reform committee is currently investigating the issue of wildlife crime, including raptor persecution. I know my Scottish Conservative colleagues on the committee are eager to hear and analyse the evidence on this issue to determine the best way forward. You can read more about this at https://www.parliament.scot/parliamentarybusiness/CurrentCommittees/102402.aspx
Separately, I was pleased to vote recently to increase the maximum criminal sentence for animal cruelty to five years in prison and/or an unlimited fine. This move was long overdue from the SNP Government. Individuals who cause pain and suffering to animals should be dealt with severely.
Regarding muirburn, I would encourage all land users to abide by the Scottish muirburn code. Where this is not the case, it is essential that the code is rigorously policed and imposed. In areas where the code is abided to, further training and enforcement of sound practice are needed.
Kind regards