There arent many grouse moors in Wales but that hasn’t stopped the joint Wild Justice, Hen Harrier action, RSPB e-action from being strongly supported. Thank you for such amazing support!
The top Welsh Assembly constituencies are (Blue – Welsh Conservatives; Orange – Welsh LibDems, Green – Plaid Cymru):
Montgomeryshire, 545 e-actions
Brecon and Radnorshire, 518 e-actions
Monmouth, 499 e-actions
Ceredigion, 471 e-actions
Preseli Pembrokeshire, 413 e-actions
Thank you for such great support in Wales!
If you have already contacted your elected politician – thank you! You are one of over 85,000 who have done so.
If you want to give your elected politician a nudge to act for change then please send them a message through this e-action which is a joint campaign by the RSPB, Hen Harrier Action and Wild Justice. Click here to have a look please. You’ll be joining over 85,000 others. Thank you!
Well done Wales. The politicians will now need to take note and act.
I am sure the general public, as they become more and more aware of the wide spread cruelty and abuses that driven grouse shooting (DGS) has on both birds, animals and moorland, increasingly wish to see DGS completely eradicated from our uplands and much more productive and far less harmful employment activities for local people replacing it.
Thanks Mark! Interesting that it is the predominantly rural and/or England bordering constituencies at the top of the list.
As you say, there aren’t many grouse moors in Wales but of course Hen Harriers disperse quite widely in winter. The north Gower marshes used to be a regular winter roosting area for HHs, some of which of course came from England (e.g. at least one of the birds tagged by Natural England). Its anecdotal only but my perception is that there have been successively fewer birds over the last several winters and last winter was particularly poor, with to my knowledge, just one bird present and only briefly.