A ministerial response to the e-action from Wales

Considering the small number of grouse moors in Wales then this is a pretty good response from the Welsh Government Minister for Environment, Energy and Rural Affairs, Lesley Griffiths.

This statement was made in response to the large number of e-actions taken by people in Wales expressing their concern at the status of Hen Harriers and their continued illegal persecution. I wonder when we will hear from DEFRA ministers as opposed to Conservative MPs?

It is interesting to learn (I didn’t know) that there is a jointly-funded (with RSPB) raptor fieldworker in Wales and also that satellite-tagging of Hen Harriers in Wales continues with Welsh Government support. Burning in Wales is more to do with farmers than grouse shooting.

Meanwhile, the number of e-actions continues to mount with over 91,000 having now been sent. If you haven’t yet sent an e-action to your elected political representative then please do by following this link https://wildjustice.eaction.org.uk/saveourskydancers. Thank you!


1 Reply to “A ministerial response to the e-action from Wales”

  1. What an amazing difference between this response and the terrible Tory response from Westminster.

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