2 Replies to “Some photographs to cheer you up”

  1. I saw a similar take on the Kingfisher picture at an RSPB Group Meeting many years ago. It was pointed out that the ‘No Fishing’ sign was so small that it would not be legible at any reasonable distance. Still a nice picture though.

  2. I can’t view the shots on the site, due to my adblocker, but if they’re the same as here…https://www.theguardian.com/artanddesign/gallery/2020/sep/11/comedy-wildlife-photography-awards-2020-finalists-in-pictures…I’d have to vote for the Penguins shot, as it took me right back to when I was young.

    About half a dozen of us were walking home from a Saturday night “sesh” in our local town, when we heard loud noises like a rutting Fallow buck from the rear…

    “It must’ve been a bad pint” claimed Trev, between honks…
    “Probably the f***in’ 12th, Trev!” Shouted another of our merry band.

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