Mark Avery is not yet reading…

I have a pile of books to review as lots of publishers delayed publication until September and so there is now a flood.

There will be two books reviewed on this blog on Sunday to enable me to keep my head above the rising tide; Dominic Couzens’s A Bird a Day and Hugh Warwick’s The Hedgehog Book.

But I am also going to get a copy of Robin Page’s new book, Wild Farming; the challenge of re-wilding for food and wildlife as I imagine it to be very irritating. And it is very intriguing that it is not available from bookshops as publication was, according to Waterstones, ‘abandoned’.

I’ve never seen that before. Sounds intriguing doesn’t it? I wonder whether lawyers were involved? The book that Robin Page is selling directly has a different cover.


2 Replies to “Mark Avery is not yet reading…”

  1. I read his book on hunting recently. It included about 20 different mentions of Hitler as part of his rationale for keeping it. I can see why a publisher might not like that sort of approach.

  2. His statement on twitter a while back was that the publisher wanted a chapter on rewilding which he didn’t want to include. However, i think there could be other reasons. Desperate to read a copy but cannot go round and buy one from him……….will borrow a copy eventually……suspect it will be truly apppaling.. looking forward to your review, Mark

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