The Last Flower

The Last Flower is a short video about 4 minutes in length, which draws attention to the threats faced by wild flowers in the UK, and has been put together by Nigel and Lois Harbron, from Kirkoswald, Cumbria, with the help of their offspring Rob and Jo.

In 2019, Nigel Harbron composed a tune he called The Last Flower after seeing yet another species-rich verge being turned into a lawn.  In 2020, Rob (a professional musician) arranged and recorded the tune, and Lois, Jo and her husband Seb, started gathering photographs and short video clips to be shown as the tune played. 


3 Replies to “The Last Flower”

  1. What a stunning collection of wild flowers! The film should be compulsory viewing for all those councils who decide to mow flower-rich verges.

  2. Fantastic video and tune. Every single image looked like a natural selection of wild flowers, not the garish instant meadow seed mix that often gets passed off as such and I think they were all the more beautiful for it. Those images recorded time, effort and money being used to reduce the complexity, recreational/educational value and real beauty of the world we live in. Maybe we don’t need so much money for conservation, just the end of money being spent to suppress nature. The empty people who have nothing but bottomless indignation against any hedge that’s not pruned or grass more than 3/4 inch high need to be tackled head on as they should have been decades ago.

    Unfortunately conservation organisations tend to go into communities with a public consultation process to let them see where if they are very lucky they might be able to get a little wildlife feature that doesn’t offend anybody whatsoever rather than an actual plan for wildlife people can comment on. There’s a world of difference between the two. Excellent stuff Clan Habron, really nice to see nature lovers being proactive in expressing their views, we should all have had enough by now.

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