Gamebirds victory (11) – what happens next?

Today, in a series of blog posts, I will concentrate on what needs to happen next as a result of the Wild Justice legal victory.

But, since there is a lot of nonsense being written about the Wild Justice legal victory, here is the sealed court order which ended the case and which is based on a draft which Wild Justice’s lawyers provided to all parties once DEFRA, the Defendant, had agreed to meet our demand that it met its obligations under the Habitats Directive.

All of those documents are indeed available for anyone to read, and have been since Friday, although it is clear that some commentators haven’t read them or haven’t understood them.

More later, and through the day.


2 Replies to “Gamebirds victory (11) – what happens next?”

  1. And hopefully DEFRA should pay WJ’s costs, as if they’d obeyed the law the whole thing would have been un-necessary.

  2. We knew who and what you were up against, however, seeing the list of interest parties really brings it home. The law is the law, even for governments, but that has rarely worried them up until now.
    Great, great job!

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